

电子报刊Top News Excellent Courses of Shenzhen Polytechnic Teachers Win First Prize in National and Provincial Competitions Shenzhen Polytechnic Urban Architectural Visualization Design Studio Exhibition Opened SZPT Teachers Granted with the Guangdong Special Fund for High-level Talents of Colleges and Universities Students of Shenzhen Polytechnic Won First Prize in the Provincial


12 2017


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Students of Shenzhen Polytechnic Won First Prize in the Provincial "Software Entrepreneurship Teams" Competition

Recently, the result of Guangdong competition area of the fifth "Lanqiao Cup" National Software and Information Technology Talents Competition - the competition for software entrepreneurship teams - have been released. Ssoftware technology majors from the School of Computer Engineering have won first prize and entered the national final with a New Media Marketing Website Based on WeChat’s QR Code , under the guidance of two teachers Zhuang Yajun and Fan Xinchan. The program awards three first prizes in Guangdong Province and our school is the only higher vocational college to win the prize.

Under the guidance of teachers, the team have developed a "smart foreign trade robot software of Alibaba", which carries out promotion and verification by establishing an automatic marketing website and fulfills functions such as smart batch issue of products of the electronic merchants, automatic renewal of products and overall coverage of multiple key words. Meanwhile, it has established a "fourelement model" of quick payoffs, carries out the marketing with new media such as WeChat, Weibo, Enterprise QQ and effectively solves the tough issues for network based marketing. The software has been put online for operation for more than one year, which has achieved a distinctive effect and become the first automatic marketing software for the international website of Alibaba in China.

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